Place To Be


When I was young, younger than before
I never saw the truth hanging from the door
And now I’m older see it face to face
And now I’m older gotta get up, clean the place

And I was green, greener than the hill
Where flowers grew and sun shone still
Now I’m darker than the deepest sea
Just hand me down, give me a place to be

And I was strong, strong in the sun
I thought I’d see when day was done
Now I’m weaker than the palest blue
Oh, so weak in this need for you


These are the lyrics as recorded by Nick and have been compiled in this format by Bryter Music, the Nick Drake estate. Our thanks go to them for permission to reproduce the lyrics on this site.

The copyright in these lyrics remain with Warlock Music/Evergreen Copyrights and any commercial use of the lyrics has to be cleared with both Nick's Estate and Evergreen in the U.S.