Other artists
We've decided to use the site to mention a few other artists we enjoy. Some are influenced by Nick's music, some have something of Nick about them and some are just people we like to listen to. This isn't an attempt to find the 'new Nick Drake' as we're perfectly happy with the old one, but there's plenty of good music out there so we thought we'd mention some.
First up is Kathryn Williams who some of you may know (and may have seen talking about Nick's music on the 'Under Review' DVD). Kathryn was kind enough to speak to NickDrake.com about her music and influences.
Second is Sandy Denny, a contemporary of Nick's who moved in the same circles and also met with a tragic early death.
Teddy Thompson, son of Richard and Linda Thompson, is a hugely talented singer/songwriter/guitarist. Find out more in our interview.